How to Change the SharePoint Site URL (Rename Site Address)

How to Change the SharePoint Site URL (Rename Site Address)

Last Updated on March 6, 2023

Did you spell the site name incorrectly when you made it?

In that case, it’s understandable that you want to change the site address after renaming the site with the correct name.

In this article, I’ll show you how to change the SharePoint site URL quite easily and what happens to your site right after.

Let’s get started.

What happens during site creation in SharePoint?

Whichever site template you use when creating a site, the system checks behind the scenes for the site availability.

By default, the site address is simply the site name minus the spaces, and it will let you know if the site address is available:

The site address is available

If the site address is already in use and you want to create a team site, you will see the following notification:

Another group with the same alias already exists

For communication sites, it’s a little different as you can proceed with the name even if it’s taken.

the site address is available with modification

But you will see a small addition (number) to the name to separate it from the other site with the same site address.

Note: You can always edit the site address during the site creation stage. The site address you see there is mainly the default one.

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    How to change the SharePoint site URL?

    Unfortunately, if you have already clicked the “Finish” button and your site is already live, then you can’t simply go back and redo the creation process.

    On the bright side, renaming the SharePoint site URL isn’t that hard. In fact, you may have seen it plenty of times.

    Here are the steps:

    • Click the app launcher icon from any site in the tenant
    • Select the “Admin” option from the list
    Click on the admin app under the app launcher panel

    On the next page:

    • Expand the admin center option in the left panel
    • Click the “SharePoint” option from the list
    Find SharePoint under the admin centers group

    Now that you’re in the SharePoint admin center:

    • Expand the “Sites” menu in the left panel
    • Go to the “Active sites” page
    Navigate to the active sites page on SharePoint admin center

    On the next page:

    • Find the target site from the list here
    • Click the site name once to open the details panel
    Target site name in active sites

    On the opened panel:

    • Make sure you’re in the “General” tab (the default tab)
    • Click the “Edit” link on the “URL” portion
    Edit site address

    On the next screen:

    • Enter the new site address on the field provided
    • Check if the site address is available or not
    • Click the “Save” button at the bottom
    Save new site address

    The system will then send an email to you to ask for confirmation of your decision to delete a site.

    Note: After a few minutes, the new site URL will show in the link bar when you try to visit the site on your own.

    How to rename the SharePoint site address using PowerShell?

    What if your only choice is to use PowerShell?

    Fortunately, I found a good code from this source that enables you to easily change the SharePoint site URL.

    Simply paste the link below on PowerShell:

    Start-SPOSiteRename -Identity -NewSiteUrl

    Note: For a complete guide for site owners, go here: SharePoint 101: SharePoint Site Owner Definitive Guide.

    Important notes when changing a SharePoint site address

    There are a few things I want to discuss first before you leave this article::

    1. The old site address is still active.

    When you create and connect a new site address, the system creates a new site and redirects all the clicks from the old site address.

    As for the old address of your site, it’s basically still accessible, so anyone with the link can still access the page without any worries.

    Even the files and folders of the old site address can be accessed with the old site address through redirection.

    In the event that you want to reuse the old site URL, you will have to release its redirection first using PowerShell.

    2. Team site’s email address remains the same.

    If the site address you’re changing belongs to a team site, don’t be surprised if the team site or the Microsoft 365 group’s email address didn’t change.

    Unfortunately, that’s the way it is. You will need PowerShell once again for this issue to fix the email address and have it point it to the new one.

    3. Sites registered as a hub need to be released first.

    If you tried changing the site address of a site registered as a hub site, then you may have encountered a “site address can’t be changed” error.

    This doesn’t mean though that the site is special and that you can’t change the site URL.

    Simply release or unregister the site first as a hub site and you will be able to change the site address. Register it again as a hub once you’re done.

    4. URL from a site included in a compliance or retention policy can’t be changed.

    Similar to the earlier one, changing the site address of a site included in a compliance or retention policy also triggers an error.

    The solution is the same:

    Temporarily exclude the site from the compliance or retention policy first, change the site address, and include it again on the policy.

    Note: For a complete guide for newbies, check this out: How to Use Sharepoint: The Definitive Guide for Newbies.

    Do you have any questions regarding changing a site address in SharePoint? Share them in the comment section.

    For inquiries and other concerns, please use the site’s contact form and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

    About Ryan Clark

    As the Modern Workplace Architect at Mr. SharePoint, I help companies of all sizes better leverage Modern Workplace and Digital Process Automation investments. I am also a Microsoft Most Valued Professional (MVP) for M365 Apps & Services.

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    Kit Legg
    Kit Legg
    3 months ago

    Thank you for this. It gets me close to what I need to fix. Specifically, items 1 and 2 in your Important Notes section. I mistakenly named a site previously with a name that I now want to use for my next site. Because of the redirect, I cannot use the new site name. Also, the original email address is listed as an alias. Do you have information on the power shell correction for these two issues? Have a blessed day!

    Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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